The Recycling Partnership seeks to advance recycling in communities across the United States. Through financial and technical assistance, they support the implementation of cart-based curbside recycling to facilitate high-quality, effective recycling programs.
The Residential Curbside Recycling Cart Grant Program aims to enhance community recycling efforts by transitioning from bin or bag-based collection to cart-based curbside collection or by initiating new cart-based programs. It provides grants for the purchase of recycling carts and the development of educational outreach to improve recycling rates. Eligible applicants are local governments, solid waste authorities, or federally recognized tribes. Funding supports the procurement of large-volume carts equipped with RFID tags and made with at least 5% post-consumer plastic. Additionally, the program funds public education initiatives on recycling practices. Grant levels vary based on the chosen implementation strategy, significantly impacting community-wide recycling participation and material diversion rates.