Reuter Family Foundation Grant

The Reuter Family Foundation is dedicated to providing human services to the poor, needy, and disadvantaged, supporting organizations aiming to assist this population. Founded in 2011, it aims to address and alleviate challenges faced by individuals requiring emergency assistance, those with chemical dependencies, abused women, and those in need of low-cost housing solutions.

Type of Support


The Reuter Family Foundation Grant focuses on supporting social service organizations within Collin County and Dallas, Texas, reflecting the foundation's commitment to local community empowerment. With an annual fund less than $100,000, the grant prioritizes projects that: offer emergency assistance to displaced individuals, promote affordable housing, provide social services to the underprivileged, ensure temporary or permanent safe housing for youth and/or adults, support underserved families with early childhood education, and offer programs targeting substance abuse, addiction, or mental health issues. This engagement often includes site visits and active participation with grantees to foster closer collaboration and support.


Organization's Location
ex quis
Program Location
proident adipisicing ad excepteur sint exercitation culpa aute et officia
Organization Type
In dolor eu
Voluptate nisi
  • commodo elit qui incididunt eiusmod occaecat
  • eu ut consectetur elit est pariatur officia


Occaecat occaecat eu excepteur ex culpa in
Excepteur in
Cillum veniam anim consectetur
Cillum commodo
Eiusmod reprehenderit ex laborum
Pariatur reprehenderit adipisicing
Veniam ea
Laborum reprehenderit laboris mollit nulla
Incididunt enim laborum nostrud ipsum do adipisicing
Veniam aliquip est anim ex ea veniam irure ipsum dolore
not specified


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