Righteous Persons Foundation Grant

    The Righteous Persons Foundation, inspired by Steven Spielberg's experience with "Schindler’s List", aims to build and support a meaningful and relevant Jewish community. It channels the profits from Spielberg’s films into fostering innovative approaches that bridge divides, utilize arts and storytelling, preserve Jewish history, inspire social activism based on justice, and ensure the lessons of the Holocaust are remembered, thereby enriching Jewish life intertwined with art, culture, media, justice, and joy.

    Type of Support


    The grant program of the Righteous Persons Foundation focuses on creating a vibrant, just, and inclusive Jewish community in the United States. It seeks to fund organizations and projects that are national in scope and aim to enhance the Jewish Story by highlighting its vibrancy and complexity; encourage human dignity across religious lines to combat antisemitism and hate; and bolster faith-rooted social justice and moral leadership. Despite a wish to support many worthy initiatives, funding is limited, prioritizing projects that align with these targeted areas of impact.


    Organization's Location
    duis ea
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Velit dolore veniam Lorem adipisicing quis
    Dolore consectetur tempor fugiat excepteur


    Dolor nisi elit magna mollit
    Id nulla do cillum non duis occaecat est
    Ad nulla fugiat esse
    Cupidatat ut proident elit consectetur
    Magna occaecat et velit
    Ipsum minim aliqua pariatur
    Adipisicing aliquip cupidatat labore
    Ex exercitation et reprehenderit commodo
    Adipisicing excepteur
    Cupidatat laborum dolore incididunt
    Non magna tempor elit commodo cupidatat sint esse commodo irure cupidatat ut enim ad aliquip sit tempor amet
    5k – 150k


    Step 1: elit in elit
    Application deadline
    Mar 21, 2025
    Step 2: Lorem sunt (proident sint)
    Required Attachments
    duis non
    dolore amet
    Contact info

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