The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) aims to improve health and healthcare for all in the United States. Its mission encompasses enhancing the health and well-being of individuals and communities, with a notable emphasis on addressing health equity and fostering environments where everyone has a fair and just opportunity to achieve the best possible health outcomes.
The grant emphasizes research on interventions aimed at addressing upstream causes of health inequities, particularly systems, structures, laws, policies, norms, and practices affecting the distribution of resources and opportunities. It is designed to inform specific actions or establish beneficial practices to address health inequities, with a priority on studies of interventions designed to reduce race-based disparities by confronting root causes or targeting benefits to those experiencing the greatest burdens. Key areas of interest include developing healthy and equitable communities, supporting the needs of children, families, and caregivers, and fostering alignment among healthcare, public health, and social service systems.
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