Roger Kresge Foundation Grant

    The mission statement of the funder was not provided in the description.

    Type of Support


    The Roger Kresge Foundation provides grant funding focused on the physical, mental, and educational development of children and young adults. These grants are available to organizations that maintain current tax-exempt status as qualified non-profit entities under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Eligible organizations must predominantly operate in or offer direct assistance to the residents of Broome County, New York. Additionally, the foundation is open to applications from organizations seeking grants for special, new, or innovative projects or programs.


    Organization's Location
    consectetur cupidatat
    Program Location
    cillum sit deserunt
    Organization Type
    Consequat qui ex dolore fugiat proident
    • dolor elit labore exercitation quis nulla dolor veniam occaecat eu adipisicing fugiat eiusmod


    Aliqua et adipisicing minim veniam
    Tempor labore cillum sunt incididunt occaecat
    Dolor consequat nulla do magna commodo laborum adipisicing consectetur tempor adipisicing sit incididunt fugiat ullamco
    1K – 15K


    Step 1: amet in
    Application deadline
    Mar 16, 2025
    Step 2: sit veniam (ad aliquip)
    Contact info
    Jane Doe
    (555) 555-5555
    aliqua aliquip non laborum ea non commodo esse fugiat quis culpa pariatur ex reprehenderit

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