SC Humanities: Major Grants

From South Carolina Humanities

SC Humanities aims to enhance the cultural and intellectual lives of all South Carolinians. It focuses on providing high-quality programs that enrich minds, broaden perspectives, foster positive human relationships, encourage good citizenship, and unite the state's diverse populations. SC Humanities, established in 1972 and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, supports programs that are balanced, open to dialogue, integrity-driven, and ethical.

Type of Support


The SC Humanities Grant Program supports public humanities programs that are designed to be accessible to a broad audience, including citizens in urban, rural, and small-town settings, aiming to illuminate and enrich the lives of both audiences and scholars. It seeks projects that critically analyze values and beliefs; promote public awareness of the humanities; build statewide alliances; target underserved areas; have the potential for lasting impact; preserve and promote South Carolina’s history and culture; utilize current technologies for wider communication; and foster collaboration among educational and cultural institutions for interdisciplinary exchanges. Major Grants provide awards between $2,000 and $10,000.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Nonprofit organizations
  • Projects and programs must be of interest to South Carolinians
  • The humanities must be central to the project
  • Funds are federal in origin and subject to federal criteria, including administrative requirements, allowable costs, and audit requirements


Fiscal agents or organizations functioning solely as fiscal agents/sponsors
Creative or performing arts performances
Creative writing projects including autobiographies, memoirs, and nonfiction
Programs promoting a specific ideological, political, social, or religious viewpoint or social/political action advocacy
Programs exclusively for college students or faculty
Programs with high ticket or registration fees
Courses, scholarships, awards, fellowships, or individual research
Publications or scholarly writing/editing projects
Capital projects (e.g., land/building purchases, restorations, constructions, museum/library acquisitions)
Costs for equipment unless shown to be cheaper than renting
Food, alcoholic beverages, or entertainment expenses
Expenses incurred before the grant is awarded or before the start of the grant period
Competitive regranting
Activities funded by other non-NEH federal sources or overlapping costs with other federal applications/awards
Indirect or cancellation costs
2k – 10k


Review Criteria

SC Humanities is open to reviewing grant applications for projects that have already received funding. However, priority is given to projects that have not previously been awarded grant funds.