Shining a Cultural Light on Technology and Change

From South Carolina Humanities

SC Humanities aims to enhance the cultural and intellectual lives of all South Carolinians. It focuses on providing high-quality programs that enrich minds, broaden perspectives, foster positive human relationships, encourage good citizenship, and unite the state's diverse populations. SC Humanities, established in 1972 and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, supports programs that are balanced, open to dialogue, integrity-driven, and ethical.

Type of Support


The grant program by SC Humanities seeks to explore the intersection of the humanities and innovation, inviting proposals for projects that analyze this relationship in various forms, including social and technological innovation. The program emphasizes the importance of invention and innovation throughout human history and the role of the humanities in understanding contemporary changes and challenges. Projects that engage the public in issues related to innovation and cultural change are encouraged, with topics of interest including education, information technology, artificial intelligence, industrialization, human/nature relationships, biomedical technologies, and shifting demographics. SC Humanities supports initiatives that use humanities disciplines to creatively consider South Carolina's innovative history or present experiences and stimulate thoughtful public dialogue and interaction.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Nonprofit organizations or institutions
  • Applicants must have an EIN number and a UEI number
  • The humanities must be central to the project
  • Funds are federal in origin and subject to federal criteria, including administrative requirements, allowable costs, and audit requirements
  • Located in South Carolina


Fiscal agents or sponsors without substantive project contributions
Creative or performing arts displays or performances
Creative writing, autobiographies, memoirs, and creative nonfiction
Programs that promote a specific ideology or advocacy
Programs exclusively for college students or faculty
Programs with high ticket or registration fees
Courses, scholarships, awards, fellowships or individual research
Publications, scholarly writing or editing projects
Capital projects (land, building purchases, restorations, constructions, museum/library acquisitions)
Equipment purchases unless cheaper than rental
Food, alcoholic beverages, entertainment expenses
Pre-award expenses
Competitive regranting
Activities funded by other non-NEH federal funds or overlapping project costs with federal applications/awards
Indirect or cancellation costs.
2k – 15k


Review Criteria

Funding preference will be granted to applications that approach innovation through the distinct and influential perspective of the humanities, establish suitable modes for execution and dissemination, and are supported by local collaboration. While SC Humanities is open to reviewing grant proposals for projects that have already secured funding, priority is placed on initiatives that have not yet received grant funding.