Theodore Edson Parker Foundation: Mini Grant

The Theodore Edson Parker Foundation, established in 1944, is dedicated to addressing a wide range of community needs in Lowell, Massachusetts. Initially focusing on children, disadvantaged young women, the elderly, refugees, and immigrants, the foundation has since broadened its reach to include many other needs of Lowell's residents.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Theodore Edson Parker Foundation introduces mini-grants starting in 2023, specifically designed to support smaller organizations. These grants, reviewed on a quarterly basis, have a maximum funding request of up to $7,500. The foundation seeks applications that align with its mission to improve the welfare of children, disadvantaged young women, the elderly, refugees, and immigrants. A key focus is on organizations that demonstrate balanced representation in their staff and management, mirroring the diversity of the Lowell community. This initiative represents the foundation’s ongoing effort to assist under-served groups and promote equity within the community.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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up to 7.5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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