Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program - Florida and Virgin Islands

From USDA: Rural Development (RD)

We are committed to helping improve the economy and quality of life in rural America.

Type of Support


This program aims to support Microenterprise Development Organizations (MDOs) through loans and grants focused on helping microenterprises in rural areas start and grow. Specifically, the grant seeks to assist with the establishment of a Rural Microloan Revolving Fund, along with providing necessary training and technical support to microloan borrowers and microentrepreneurs. Funding is directed towards organizations experienced in managing Revolving Loan Funds, or those with adequate training to do so, especially those already participating as intermediary lenders in reputable programs like the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Microloan Program. Grant funds, up to $205,000 annually, require at least 15% matching funds and aim to support technical assistance for rural micro-entrepreneurs. Loans ranging from $50,000 to $500,000, with a total cap of $2.5 million in aggregate debt, support the revolving fund for broader business activities including working capital, debt refinancing, purchasing supplies, and real estate improvements. Loan terms to ultimate recipients include a maximum of $50,000, with a fixed interest rate and a maximum term of 20 years, requiring a loan loss reserve fund.


Organization's Location
Program Location
FL, Puerto Rico
Organization Type
Federally-recognized tribes
Institutions of higher education
  • Located in rural areas outside a city or town with a population of fewer than 50,000 residents
  • The borrower's headquarters may be based within a larger city, provided the project service area is located in an eligible rural area
  • The lender may be located anywhere
  • Businesses located in an eligible area with 10 or fewer full-time employees are eligible to apply for a loan


Urbanized areas near a city of 50,000 or more
up to 500k


Visit Apply for more information.

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