Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) Research Fund Grant

The mission of the foundation is to continue the legacy of Joseph and Vera Dresner, aiming to improve the lives of people and animals in their communities. The foundation serves as a channel for philanthropy focused on providing resources to underserved individuals and empowering community members through partnerships with a range of organizations including hospitals, community centers, and other nonprofits.

Type of Support


The MDS Research Fund (MDSRF) focuses on facilitating the advancement of innovative research in basic science, translational, or clinical aspects of Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) and related conditions. It supports research projects addressing etiology, biology, genetics/genomics, prognosis, treatment, symptom management, quality of life, and survivorship within MDS or related disorders. The fund offers two types of financial support: Early Career Awards, providing up to $125,000 per year for two years, and Established Investigator Awards, offering up to $250,000 per year for two years. The goal is to produce definitive findings that lead to subsequent higher-level funding and advancements in the field.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Based in the United States
  • Not a private foundation
  • Does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, sexual orientation, or veteran status
  • Proposals for research in MDS or related disorders are considered
  • Individuals associated with universities, colleges, hospitals, or laboratories are eligible
  • Early Career Awards: Candidates within 10 years post-terminal doctoral degree or post-graduate clinical training, without independent funding of $200,000/year or more
  • Established Investigator Awards: Those who do not qualify as Early Career; or have previously received an Early Career Award


Current grantees-investigators
Co-investigators in current grant applications
Researchers with projects that are partially or fully funded
Applicants with projects having overhead costs exceeding 15% of direct project costs
Investigators not committing to stay at their institutions for the first year of the grant period
up to 500k


Step 1: Letter of Inquiry
Application deadline
Mar 15, 2025
Step 2: Full proposal (check website)