Virginia Program Grant

From Virginia Environmental Endowment

The mission of the Virginia Environmental Endowment is to improve the quality of the environment by using its capital, expertise, and resources to encourage collaboration among all sectors to prevent pollution, conserve natural resources, and promote environmental literacy.

Type of Support


The Virginia Environmental Endowment grant program aims to support endeavors focused on enhancing the environment and conservation efforts within Virginia, with specific emphasis areas including improvement of local rivers, protection and improvement of water quality, restoration of the Chesapeake Bay, and innovative land conservation and sustainable land use practices. The program also prioritizes environmental literacy and public awareness by favoring outcomes-based educational proposals and projects that foster public engagement in environmental stewardship. Furthermore, it addresses emerging issues like climate adaptation and the mitigation of invasive species, underscoring a holistic approach to environmental challenges.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organizations and institutions
Governmental agencies
  • Required to have matching funds equal to or in excess of the grant request
  • May receive challenge grants to leverage fundraising


Entities seeking funds for general support, overhead, indirect costs
Entities planning capital projects, land purchases, building construction or renovation
Those seeking funds for endowments, lawsuits, or individuals
Applicants seeking reimbursement for costs incurred before grant authorization
Applicants who apply more than once a year
Applicants resubmitting proposals previously denied by VEE without prior authorization
Those submitting unsolicited pure research proposals.
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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