YAJF: The Thomases Family Endowment (Organizations serving the Mahoning and Shenango Valleys)

    From Youngstown Area Jewish Federation

    The mission of the Thomases Family Endowment is to carry on Irwin Thomases' philanthropic values by ensuring a Jewish presence in the general community and aiming to better the world. The Endowment promotes a spirit of tzedakah (charity and justice).

    Type of Support


    The Thomases Family Endowment focuses on supporting initiatives that embody philanthropic values, particularly those ensuring a Jewish presence within broader society. It aims to foster a better world through projects that exemplify the spirit of tzedakah, emphasizing both charity and justice.


    Organization's Location
    ea incididunt
    Program Location
    laborum eu sint consequat in nisi Lorem ad
    Organization Type
    • dolore velit reprehenderit ipsum aute labore sit magna non nulla ut ipsum officia ipsum
    • irure sint labore proident est dolor duis reprehenderit elit tempor
    • labore dolor laboris cillum ea aute aliqua adipisicing excepteur pariatur quis adipisicing labore mollit amet aliquip eu duis elit dolore et ullamco qui nisi officia do labore excepteur do
    • et ut ut esse elit eiusmod exercitation nostrud eiusmod Lorem ipsum occaecat occaecat laboris nisi consequat cillum
    500 – 30K


    Visit Apply for more information.

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