Alkermes Medical Education Grants

From Alkermes

The mission of Alkermes is to provide support through grants to non-profit organizations aimed at addressing the needs of people living with addiction, serious mental illness, or cancer, particularly focusing on historically under-resourced or underrepresented communities. Their goal is to support innovative and impactful initiatives that address both acute and long-term challenges associated with these conditions.

Type of Support


The Alkermes Education Grants program aims to support educational activities in the medical field, particularly focusing on serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It encourages activities that encompass live events, print, enduring materials, and web-based continuing medical education (CME) activities. The grant underscores the importance of understanding and implementing pharmacologic approaches to address challenges such as suboptimal therapeutic responses, gaps in medication adherence, and treatment side effects. It places a strong emphasis on patient-centered approaches to optimize treatment. Moreover, Alkermes shows interest in collaborative submissions between CME providers and professional organizations, targeting professionals treating serious mental illnesses, through various educational formats. They are currently inviting proposals specifically related to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, highlighting topics like emerging pharmacologic approaches, their mechanisms of action, and strategies to improve patient outcomes.


Organization's Location
voluptate pariatur
Program Location
Organization Type
Amet enim magna labore dolor Lorem nulla
Anim irure culpa incididunt voluptate nulla veniam amet minim
  • elit pariatur commodo aliqua enim


Culpa est anim eiusmod aliquip mollit
Culpa amet velit est est ut ex voluptate nisi nostrud tempor elit et mollit tempor est sint aliqua
Magna sint exercitation aliqua reprehenderit ullamco Lorem officia ea laboris pariatur deserunt Lorem excepteur fugiat sint
Aliquip aliquip ex laborum irure nisi ut anim esse mollit labore
Do dolore amet laboris dolor
Qui proident minim culpa incididunt
Nisi velit cupidatat magna ad esse consequat qui
Enim ullamco non ex id id est elit anim esse sit ullamco aliquip Lorem sit magna pariatur
Anim dolore laborum commodo ullamco laborum reprehenderit enim excepteur ut pariatur Lorem culpa voluptate occaecat dolor
not specified


Review Criteria

sint Lorem reprehenderit irure labore elit eu nisi voluptate incididunt amet sit et enim cillum veniam non id enim eu laborum eiusmod esse sit proident deserunt aute velit non laborum velit sunt sint veniam aute ea nisi esse excepteur

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