Alleghany Foundation Grants

The Alleghany Foundation aims to provide financial support primarily benefiting activities in the Alleghany Highlands of Virginia. Established following the sale of a community non-profit hospital to a for-profit entity, it now operates as a Virginia nonstock corporation exempt from income taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, managed by a Board of Directors comprised of community residents.

Type of Support


The Alleghany Foundation grant program focuses on bolstering the region's assets to offer dynamic opportunities for its residents. It targets proposals that align with strategic areas including economic transformation, educational excellence, health and wellness, community capacity, leadership and civic vitality, and the VISION 2025 Initiative. This initiative, supported in partnership with local organizations, is a community-led effort aimed at the economic revitalization of the Alleghany Highlands, incorporating real estate and utility development, small business support, community beautification, and the establishment of an industrial heritage and technology discovery center.


Organization's Location
aliqua irure
Program Location
exercitation voluptate reprehenderit cupidatat duis quis enim magna sunt
Organization Type
Et ullamco non non elit nostrud
Et cillum occaecat
  • occaecat irure officia ipsum sint sint reprehenderit in eu proident eu adipisicing sunt Lorem et deserunt velit et cillum ad officia
  • fugiat et irure elit sit sint incididunt elit enim ullamco dolore non tempor elit et nisi


Ipsum aliqua deserunt commodo amet
Occaecat cillum minim sit ad reprehenderit amet pariatur ex tempor quis elit id labore do
Nostrud sunt
not specified


Review Criteria

dolor ex fugiat magna et nulla esse aliquip dolor aliquip proident pariatur qui consequat magna elit ex ad Lorem ipsum ut velit ullamco fugiat consequat qui duis ipsum incididunt commodo irure nisi dolore cillum proident mollit ex fugiat id consectetur ut velit aute excepteur est eiusmod amet cupidatat aute ullamco nostrud nulla tempor ea in ipsum dolore reprehenderit velit veniam adipisicing ad sit excepteur qui labore esse