Bennie & Martha Benjamin Foundation: Organizations Engaged in the Delivery of Health Services or Public Health Education and Information Grant

From Bennie & Martha Benjamin Foundation Inc

The mission of the Bennie and Martha Benjamin Foundation is to realize the dream of its namesakes for a superior health care system in the Virgin Islands, featuring top-notch facilities, advanced technology and equipment, and highly trained health care professionals. Formed in 1991 following Bennie Benjamin's Will, the Foundation aims to support medical education and improve health care in the Territories through grants for equipment, scholarships, programs, educational services, and other related activities, focusing on benefiting Virgin Islands residents and promoting local health care.

Type of Support


The Bennie and Martha Benjamin Foundation offers small grants to community-based and governmental organizations involved in providing health services or public health education in the United States Virgin Islands. These grants support activities that promote public health messages and educate the community on health issues, including the creation and distribution of educational materials like brochures, pamphlets, and the use of media for public health campaigns. The aim is to improve the health and well-being of the Virgin Islands community through effective dissemination of health information and educational programming. Funding of up to $5,000 is available for projects that demonstrate a clear need and include methods for tracking the benefit to the Territory.


Organization's Location
ad duis
Program Location
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Organization Type
Lorem reprehenderit sint laboris magna incididunt
Anim Lorem
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up to 5k


Review Criteria

est qui incididunt do ullamco magna ad mollit aliquip minim consectetur ullamco exercitation fugiat incididunt mollit aute aute dolore ad voluptate minim et commodo esse

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