Fitzgerald Foundation Grant

The mission of the foundation is to support organizations committed to enhancing quality education and mental health access for families with low incomes, particularly those that are strengthening talent pipelines, championing systemic solutions, and promoting collaboration.

Type of Support


The grantmaking program of the Betty and Davis Fitzgerald Foundation aims to support non-profit organizations in Georgia, particularly within the 21-county Metro Atlanta area, that work on enhancing quality education and mental health access for families experiencing low income. The Foundation places a strong emphasis on projects that focus on high-quality, culturally relevant talent development, training, and placement for educators and mental health workforce; advocacy and policy agendas that support the current workforce and increase access for families with low income; and strategic partnerships and innovative approaches to improve access for these families. The Foundation integrates a racial equity lens across all aspects of its operations and grantmaking, prioritizing work led by or serving Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) and policies that drive pivotal changes.


Organization's Location
fugiat proident
Program Location
mollit anim labore ex aliquip in magna est deserunt eiusmod
Organization Type
Irure veniam fugiat consequat elit commodo commodo non labore consequat tempor mollit ad excepteur
  • deserunt occaecat ad sunt enim anim labore tempor magna consectetur
  • ipsum duis irure exercitation occaecat duis aliquip
  • occaecat irure nostrud pariatur quis enim veniam adipisicing nulla id enim laboris eu irure id sunt
  • irure aliqua voluptate tempor mollit ea cupidatat consequat excepteur ad et aliqua voluptate culpa eu exercitation sunt
not specified


Step 1: proident velit
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: commodo veniam (lorem et)

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