Black United Fund Sponsorship

From Black United Fund of Oregon

The mission of the Black United Fund of Oregon is to assist in the social and economic development of Oregon's underserved communities and contribute to a broader understanding of ethnic and culturally diverse groups. Their ultimate goal is to increase post-secondary opportunities for youth, support Nonprofit Leadership Program by directing funds to BIPOC and/or female-led and -serving organizations that provide vital resources to the community, and contribute to a broader understanding of ethnic and culturally diverse groups through Community Justice & Equity initiatives.

Type of Support


The Black United Fund of Oregon provides sponsorship support for events and activities hosted by grassroots initiatives, nonprofit organizations with 501(c)3 status, and organizations fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)3 organization. Their work must align with the Black United Fund’s mission. Sponsorships, typically ranging from $500-$1,500, are available for various recommended event dates throughout the year, with specific application deadlines set for optimal scheduling. Organizations can apply for any amount of sponsorship to support their events or activities.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
500 – 1.5k


Review Criteria

Preference is extended to organizations led by and serving BIPOC and women.

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