The CPUC regulates privately owned electric, natural gas, telecommunications, water, railroad, rail transit, and passenger transportation companies, in addition to authorizing video franchises. We empower California through access to safe, clean, and affordable utility services and infrastructure.
The Equity and Access (E&A) Grant Program, initiated by the CPUC with a $30,000,000 fund appropriated by the California Legislature, is designed to enhance the participation of Tribes and community-based organizations (CBOs) in CPUC's decision-making processes. Its aims are to integrate equity and access into regulatory activities consistently, boost investments in clean energy resources that benefit Environmental and Social Justice (ESJ) communities—particularly to enhance local air quality and public health—and improve outreach and public participation opportunities for these communities. The program includes a Public Participation Grant Account to help eligible organizations overcome financial and capacity barriers, offering compensation for their participation in policy-influencing activities with a funding cap of $15,000.