Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood Grant

From Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood

The Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood funds research and development projects aimed at improving the welfare of young children, from infancy through 7 years old, in the United States. The foundation defines welfare broadly, covering aspects like health, safety, nutrition, education, play, and familial support. Its goal is to provide seed money for projects that have a significant chance of benefiting young children nationally, focusing on those with potential for widespread interest and application.

Type of Support


The Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood supports grants in multiple areas related to the young children's welfare. These areas include Early Childhood Welfare, emphasizing the creation of safe, nurturing environments and the development of social skills in a culturally diverse world. In Early Childhood Education and Play, the foundation backs the development of curricula and pedagogical standards that foster both stimulation and nurturing from birth through age seven. Additionally, it values Parenting Education by funding programs that educate parents on various aspects of child-rearing, health, and emotional support, aiming to optimize child development comprehensively.


Organization's Location
exercitation amet
Program Location
Organization Type
Esse labore ut officia do exercitation
  • laboris non nisi proident irure
  • commodo proident dolor sit pariatur nostrud exercitation nostrud aliqua
  • ipsum excepteur deserunt ex amet sit duis ipsum commodo commodo
  • sit tempor mollit excepteur ut adipisicing


Sunt voluptate et ex cillum ullamco
Sint velit duis tempor labore ad minim
Sit et ea nulla adipisicing veniam eu
Sunt proident dolor velit velit occaecat et excepteur voluptate
Lorem consequat ea ipsum deserunt elit excepteur labore pariatur non
Deserunt duis magna dolor ea magna labore consectetur
Nisi adipisicing reprehenderit ad
Incididunt cupidatat incididunt ad
Do pariatur quis commodo aute sunt dolore in
Mollit dolor sit aliquip non qui et ad
Adipisicing irure veniam magna exercitation nisi officia
Proident nisi sit ex duis reprehenderit in quis nisi
not specified


Step 1: ad Lorem culpa
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: occaecat reprehenderit (velit sit)

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