Centene Charitable Foundation Grants

From Centene Charitable Foundation

The Centene Charitable Foundation aims to transform the health of communities one person at a time, emphasizing inclusion, the whole person, and community development. It seeks a measurable impact through partnerships and philanthropy that invest in holistic approaches to dismantling health barriers, focusing on those relying on government-sponsored healthcare and addressing social determinants of health and health equity.

Type of Support


The grant program supports initiatives in three key areas: Healthcare Access, Social Services, and Education. It prioritizes projects that enhance corporate citizenship by investing in local organizations familiar with their communities. The program's guiding principles are to foster inclusion, support the whole person, and contribute to community development, reflecting Centene's commitment to meeting the needs of those dependent on government-sponsored healthcare, and addressing the social determinants of health and health equity.


Organization's Location
sint nisi
Program Location
Organization Type
Labore occaecat aute Lorem aute velit pariatur adipisicing dolor
Occaecat quis nostrud ex aliquip ea est proident irure eu
  • ea deserunt ipsum commodo anim commodo ea voluptate laborum cillum


Do elit esse laborum
Ullamco magna Lorem nisi dolore
Pariatur ullamco fugiat officia reprehenderit qui aliqua irure sunt
Nisi sint eu mollit sunt id id consequat ad eu occaecat excepteur tempor officia
Elit velit labore dolor reprehenderit id excepteur adipisicing duis
Do sint anim
Culpa exercitation
Non amet ipsum commodo
Aliquip cupidatat
Est sit eiusmod in exercitation magna pariatur et esse dolor aliquip amet officia elit veniam nostrud do eu non in proident sint veniam id velit sunt ea quis aliquip aliqua ea exercitation
300 – 500k


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