The Char and Chuck Fowler Family Foundation is committed to enhancing the quality of life by focusing on areas such as criminal justice reform, adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer support, reproductive health, environmental action, and the arts. The foundation has been actively supporting Northeast Ohio nonprofit organizations with significant funding since 2001.
The Char and Chuck Fowler Family Foundation’s grant program aims at supporting initiatives within its focus areas - criminal justice, AYA cancer support, reproductive health, environmental action, and the arts. The program entertains grant requests of more than $4,000 through a structured process that includes a Letter of Intent (LOI) followed by a full application, with two grant cycles available. Emphasizing not just on success but on learning and bravery in innovation, the foundation is open to multi-year support requests to ensure long-term planning and stability for recipient organizations. The approach underlines a partnership mindset, seeking collaborative efforts to benefit the community with a willingness to adapt grant structures based on mutual capabilities and needs.
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