It’s our mission to manage and conserve Colorado’s natural resources for the benefit of people today – and tomorrow. That means we have to balance development with conservation so the state we all love provides similar opportunities for our children and their children. Our diverse agencies work together to meet the recreational and resource needs of the public.
The CWCB's grant program aims to support watershed/stream restoration and flood mitigation initiatives across Colorado through four main categories: Restoration Grants focusing on watershed/stream restoration or protection, Flood Mitigation Grants aimed at reducing flood risks while considering hydrological functions, Stream Management Plan Grants for developing comprehensive stream management plans that address a variety of ecological and water use needs, and CWCB Monitoring Projects, which allocate a portion of funds for the oversight and evaluation of projects' impacts. These grants support planning, engineering studies, and implementation measures for projects designed to restore stream channels, provide species habitats, reduce erosion and flood threats, and enhance water utilization capacity. The program prioritizes multi-objective planning and project efforts, integrating environmental and recreational values alongside public health, safety, and welfare.
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