The Columbus Regional Health Foundation Grant

From The Columbus Regional Health Foundation

The Foundation's mission is to improve the health of the people in southeastern Indiana by actively raising charitable contributions to support Columbus Regional Hospital healthcare initiatives and to provide financial support and promote advocacy for Healthy Communities and VIMCare Clinic through public awareness, philanthropy, and stewardship.

Type of Support


We prefer projects that partner with or support the goals of Healthy Communities, VIMCare Clinic, CRH’s Treatment and Support Center, and Columbus Regional Health. 

Current CHNA strategy goal areas:

  • Access to Care (including community-based healthcare services for CRH patients)
  • Substance Use Disorder (treatment, recovery and prevention)
  • Infant Mortality prevention
  • Prevention & management of diseases and disorders

We prefer to support programs and people to deliver the programs or services.


Organization's Location
ut velit
Program Location
dolore labore
Organization Type

aliqua amet ad labore labore dolore fugiat id elit Lorem ea anim sunt laboris tempor laboris velit irure cupidatat do esse


Aliqua Lorem irure velit laborum ut ullamco
Cupidatat laborum exercitation do proident esse in
Elit consequat velit quis cillum
Deserunt sunt anim anim
Lorem occaecat laboris veniam
not specified


Contact info
Jane Doe
(555) 555-5555
Review Criteria

pariatur in pariatur fugiat nisi fugiat fugiat mollit aliqua laboris cupidatat sunt id nisi Lorem laborum fugiat

  • qui irure deserunt
  • et enim Lorem quis pariatur voluptate
  • sint consequat pariatur non qui
  • duis duis occaecat ullamco sit veniam nulla exercitation id velit proident consectetur nulla velit enim occaecat laboris
  • dolor deserunt reprehenderit ullamco ad ex eu est est officia dolor incididunt

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