UP Sustainable Forest & Wildlife Grant

From Community Foundation of the Upper Peninsula

The Community Foundation of the Upper Peninsula's mission is to enhance the quality of life in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Type of Support


The Upper Peninsula Sustainable Forest and Wildlife Fund (UPSF&WF) grants support projects related to the sustainability of forests and wildlife in the Upper Peninsula. The grants typically do not exceed $1,000, but applicants may request more for consideration. The focus is on research, youth, education, training, and wildlife habitat improvement. Priority is given to collaborative projects that benefit the general public. The grants are usually awarded once for specific purposes without a commitment for additional future support.


Organization's Location
non sit
Program Location
aliqua amet nostrud reprehenderit sunt veniam veniam ipsum amet dolore
Organization Type
Laborum excepteur
Ullamco non anim aliqua
  • laboris pariatur do eiusmod est aliqua sunt quis sit consequat officia
  • sunt excepteur nostrud cupidatat officia proident velit eiusmod incididunt Lorem aute ad ea exercitation irure mollit sunt proident est eiusmod ex magna
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Laborum qui eiusmod irure
Esse dolore commodo Lorem deserunt eu
Magna culpa sunt ullamco veniam in et
up to 1k


Visit Apply for more information.

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