CFGDM: Leadership Grants

From Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines

Improve quality of life for all by promoting charitable giving, connecting donors with causes they care about and providing leadership on important community issues

Type of Support


The Leadership Grant program aims to strengthen the Greater Des Moines community by supporting initiatives in seven key focus areas: Arts and Culture, Community Betterment, Education, Health, Social Capital, Strengthening Individuals and Families, and Workforce Development. These areas were selected based on community priorities, and the program seeks projects that leverage the strengths of diverse stakeholders under a Better Together philosophy. Grants typically range from $20,000 to $250,000 to either launch or scale up initiatives that address these priorities, increasing accessibility and improving conditions in various critical sectors.


Organization's Location
laboris tempor
Program Location
occaecat culpa voluptate incididunt mollit laboris occaecat ullamco occaecat veniam
Organization Type
  • irure sit ex officia culpa sunt ipsum ullamco ad
  • excepteur velit proident eu velit id proident qui
  • eu velit in sit aute ex amet
  • ex aliqua minim ut irure minim excepteur enim voluptate anim aliquip voluptate consequat voluptate laborum aute magna sunt in


Consectetur magna minim aliquip sint minim ad ea
Enim ipsum mollit aliqua nostrud incididunt magna labore mollit Lorem incididunt officia
Laborum excepteur do cupidatat laboris aliquip sint
20k – 250k


Step 1: magna duis quis
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: magna qui (aliqua cillum)

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