Bucks Innovative and Improvement Grants

    FCP pledges to help solve problems related to the behavioral health and human service needs of children, young adults and their families, inspire youth, and create partnerships to enhance the quality of life in Bucks County.

    Type of Support


    The Bucks Innovation and Improvement Grants (BIIG) aim to support innovative ideas that enhance the quality of life for children, youth, and families in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The grants, valued between $10,000 and $15,000, require applicants to provide measurable benchmarks and expected outcomes for the project's duration. Recipients are obligated to submit a 6-month progress report and a 12-month final report. The grant cycle includes a Fall award with a Letter of Inquiry due October 1st and a full application due October 15th, and a Spring award with similar deadlines in April. The selection process involves a pre-grant meeting, verification of non-profit status via GuideStar, and a review of recent audits and financial statements, possibly including a site visit, adhering to Council on Foundations standards.


    Organization's Location
    laboris veniam
    Program Location
    excepteur laborum ut
    Organization Type
    Commodo non
    • consectetur elit consequat voluptate ipsum consectetur non aliquip pariatur
    • nisi mollit eu do dolore occaecat


    Lorem eiusmod ut cillum voluptate dolor ex non amet nisi exercitation
    Anim nostrud do ex quis qui et nulla
    Amet excepteur
    Occaecat occaecat proident
    Cupidatat id occaecat voluptate et nulla
    Sunt velit
    Dolor nulla
    In est magna veniam sint
    10K – 15K


    Step 1: anim qui fugiat
    Application deadline
    Mar 14, 2025
    Step 2: cillum minim (consectetur fugiat)

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