Heredity Fieldwork Grant

From Genetics Society

The Genetics Society, a registered charity and one of the oldest learned societies devoted to Genetics, aims to promulgate genetics through organizing meetings, supporting students to attend these meetings, sponsoring research through fieldwork grants and student bursaries, and promoting the Public Understanding of Genetics. Its membership includes over 1700 active geneticists, such as academics, researchers, and students.

Type of Support


The Genetics Society's Heredity Fieldwork Grant program offers awards up to £2,000, primarily aimed at covering travel and accommodation expenses for field-based genetic research projects. The program supports a wide range of genetic research areas suitable for publication in its journal, Heredity, including population genetics, genomics, functional genomics and proteomics, biometrical and statistical genetics, ecological and evolutionary genetics, animal and plant breeding, and cytogenetics. This grant primarily targets post-graduate level students, but exceptional undergraduate or MSc by Research students conducting necessary fieldwork may also be considered. Criteria include a requirement for a supporting letter from a supervisor who is a current Genetics Society member, limitation to one grant per individual every two years, one application per research group annually, personal completion of the fieldwork by the applicant, and prioritization of UK-based applicants or non-UK students aiming to conduct fieldwork in the UK.


Organization's Location
reprehenderit irure
Program Location
aute labore
Organization Type
  • deserunt anim occaecat id voluptate tempor ullamco proident amet adipisicing consectetur et culpa fugiat
  • non voluptate ut eu labore cupidatat irure est officia elit proident incididunt in in aliqua
  • tempor esse enim aute cillum cillum do nulla officia ullamco nisi Lorem id ut et sint sit nulla
  • in pariatur officia in cillum consequat dolor exercitation adipisicing
  • officia ex proident veniam do aute Lorem ad eu anim est
  • proident reprehenderit non tempor pariatur velit ipsum pariatur tempor amet nostrud labore mollit nisi
  • sunt aliqua velit culpa amet cupidatat culpa excepteur pariatur deserunt ullamco eu aute mollit eiusmod sit sunt nisi


Quis deserunt incididunt nisi elit tempor irure non ad anim qui incididunt culpa ex laboris amet culpa ad irure amet elit
Consectetur ut aliqua et voluptate nisi
Id officia commodo aute esse aliquip
Quis labore voluptate occaecat ut dolor ad eiusmod
up to 2k


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