JFSL: Kranzberg Family Foundation Grants

From Jewish Federation of St. Louis

Jewish Federation of St. Louis mobilizes the Jewish community and its human and financial resources to preserve and enhance Jewish life in St. Louis, in Israel, and around the world.

Type of Support


The Foundation's grant program is geared towards creating and maintaining a dynamic Jewish community in St. Louis, emphasizing the importance of engaging younger generations and families. It supports initiatives that strive for this engagement and growth, and looks favorably upon projects that encourage collaboration within the community. Furthermore, the Foundation is open to funding general support for organizations with a specific focus on the Next Generation, showing a flexible but targeted approach to philanthropy within the Jewish community.


Organization's Location
Program Location
MO (St. Louis City, St. Louis County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Located in the St. Louis area


Requests for subsidies for travel or conference stipends
Requests for capital improvements
not specified


Review Criteria

Our funding preference leans towards supporting continuous initiatives over singular events. We are inclined towards initiatives with a substantial potential for broad engagement. We favor initiatives that have a diversified funding base rather than relying solely on our support. Specifically for congregations, we are keen on supporting initiatives that extend beyond their immediate community, thereby requiring congregations to demonstrate a compelling approach for engaging individuals beyond their members.

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