Lake Fork Community Foundation Grants

The Lake Fork Community Foundation, established in 1994, is dedicated to promoting and supporting the citizens of a specific region in Hinsdale County along the valley of the Lake Fork of the Gunnison River. As a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation and a qualified Private Foundation by the IRS, its mission encompasses youth support (including educational assistance and recreational facilities), assistance to various institutions and public schools, promoting scientific research, care for the sick, aged, and helpless, support for needy individuals, beautification projects, and care and protection of animals. All its activities aim at enhancing community well-being and are supported by tax-deductible donations.

Type of Support


The Lake Fork Community Foundation's grant program is designed to support groups or organizations within Hinsdale County that could qualify for IRS tax-exempt status or already do. The foundation's funding priorities include initiatives that reach a broad segment of the county's population, leverage the community's strengths for problem-solving, encourage matching grants, attract volunteer efforts, strengthen the non-profit sector, foster collaboration with other organizations, enhance the capacity of the applicant organization, provide seed money for innovative projects, and leverage additional resources. These grants aim to encourage comprehensive community involvement and development through diverse support avenues, from educational and medical assistance to environmental beautification and scientific research.


Organization's Location
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up to 2.5k


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