Ninety-nine girlfriends is dedicated to leveraging collective action and financial resources to create a more equitable future for all. Their mission revolves around strength in diversity, collective action, and community impact, aiming to fund organizations and projects that echo these values within the Portland Metro/SW Washington region.
The grant program from Ninety-nine girlfriends, known as Impact Awards, offers annual grants ranging from $50,000 to $100,000. These awards support nonprofits working towards a more equitable community across four focus areas: Child and Youth Educational Equity, Environmental Equity & Sustainability, Housing and Home Stability, and Women’s Economic Empowerment. The grants encourage initiatives that address systemic issues, promote equity, trust, learning, responsiveness, transformative impact, initiative, and risk-taking. The decision-making is guided by principles of trust-based philanthropy and is centered on inclusivity, respect, and mutual learning about implicit bias, equitable grantmaking, and consensus-building. Funds may be used for general operating or project support, with flexible disbursement options to advance the recipients’ missions. Ninety-nine girlfriends emphasizes inclusiveness, welcoming members across a spectrum of gender identities to contribute to a collaborative grantmaking process that adapts to community and member needs over time.