Farmers Advocating for Organic (FAFO) is spearheaded by Organic Valley farmers with the mission to promote and advance organic farming. As the largest farmer-funded grant program in the U.S. focused solely on organic, FAFO pools voluntary contributions from Organic Valley farmers to address the long-term needs of the organic marketplace and ensure the future of organic agriculture.
FAFO is a pioneering grant program committed to supporting organic farmers by funding projects that significantly impact the organic industry. It aims to aid in the development of long-term solutions for the organic sector by focusing on research, education, and advocacy projects. Specifically, FAFO prioritizes initiatives that benefit family-operated organic farms producing dairy, eggs, meat, produce, and grain/forage; projects targeting organic soil health and biology; and efforts that bolster the CROPP Cooperative internally. Grant amounts range from $5,000 to $50,000, with the potential for larger or multi-year grants under exceptional circumstances, aligning the size of the award with the project's scope and impact.
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