Pokagon Fund - Municipal Grants

    The Pokagon Fund is dedicated to fostering community development along the Band Trust Land Consolidation sites, aiming to create a more thriving environment for residents. It accomplishes this by offering strategic grant support focused on reducing poverty, enhancing education and student achievement, supporting rural communities, and improving residents' success.

    Type of Support


    The Pokagon Fund’s Municipal grants target projects that benefit Michigan’s Harbor Country communities, focusing on the City of New Buffalo; the Townships of New Buffalo, Three Oaks, or Chikaming; or the Villages of Three Oaks, Grand Beach, or Michiana. These grants champion projects that align with the Fund's priority areas: education, by investing in school systems and ensuring children's educational success; poverty reduction, through providing food to the needy and supporting services to lower poverty rates; and community vitality, by backing projects that uplift and enrich the local community life. Requests for funding up to $3,000 can proceed directly to application, but larger projects require a Letter of Inquiry first, and the total funding for unsolicited projects is generally capped at $10,000.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    Visit Apply for more information.

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