Clif Family Foundation Operational Support

The Clif Family Foundation, founded in 2006, focuses on supporting grassroots groups committed to improving our food system, advancing equitable community health outcomes, and protecting the environment. Its vision is to leave the world better for future generations, driven by an urgency for a healthier, more just and sustainable world. The foundation aims to expand its impact by working with innovative organizations and supporting new leadership to create more good in the world, together.

Type of Support


The Clif Family Foundation grants are designed to support small-to-midsize grassroots organizations that are working towards specific causes. These causes include strengthening the food system through supporting organic farming, safeguarding biodiversity, increasing access to fresh foods, connecting people to local food sources, and creating opportunities for new farmers. The grants also aim to enhance equitable community health outcomes by promoting clean water access, reducing exposure to toxins, increasing access to nature and outdoor activities, and improving the living and working conditions of farmworkers. Additionally, they focus on safeguarding the environment through initiatives that address climate change, promote renewable energy, support green jobs, reduce resource waste, and conserve water and natural spaces. A priority is given to applicants that address multiple funding priorities simultaneously, demonstrate strong community ties, and have viable plans for positive change.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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