Mission Support Grant

From The Cloudsplitter Foundation

The Cloudsplitter Foundation is dedicated to improving the future for the flora, fauna, communities, and people of the Adirondacks.

Type of Support


These grants support a not-for-profit’s operating costs and not specific projects or programs. Eligible grantees must meet the Cloudsplitter Foundation’s strategic objectives and be approved by the board at one of our regular meetings. Once known to the foundation grantees can request recurring annual support based on simple reporting.

Foundation areas of interest

  • Environment: protecting our natural resources through advocacy, land protection, stewardship
  • Community Building: supporting cultural, physical, & civic facilities like theaters, community centers, parks, trails, community revitalization
  • Economic Stability: supporting Tourism, critical infrastructure like museums & historic sites, recreational facilities
  • Communications and Data Infrastructure: broadband everywhere, public radio and television, focused fact-based journalism
  • Helping our most vulnerable neighbors: Birth-to-Three program, food programs, family resources, aging in place


Organization's Location
dolor occaecat
Program Location
eiusmod dolore Lorem occaecat aliquip ullamco sunt exercitation sit
Organization Type
Sit nulla


Occaecat dolore
up to 5k


Required Attachments
enim do
aute tempor
amet enim
Contact info
(555) 555-5555
Review Criteria

consectetur ipsum pariatur

  • esse minim sint esse anim do aute dolore ex fugiat cillum

  • ut deserunt velit Lorem officia irure sit

  • ut consectetur voluptate esse nostrud id voluptate qui dolor incididunt

  • exercitation esse velit consequat amet aute excepteur

  • nulla ad est Lorem consequat consectetur ad exercitation velit est sint veniam

  • eiusmod nostrud non consequat proident incididunt aliquip qui et excepteur do occaecat eiusmod eiusmod

  • Lorem labore qui voluptate tempor reprehenderit consectetur consectetur velit consequat nisi amet do irure aliqua occaecat officia consequat est eiusmod exercitation nostrud anim tempor nisi voluptate enim ad anim

  • occaecat proident ad excepteur deserunt incididunt laboris mollit ullamco irure eiusmod incididunt excepteur occaecat consequat

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