ROSES 2024: A.8 Physical Oceanography

From National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

NASA explores the unknown in air and space, innovates for the benefit of humanity, and inspires the world through discovery.

Type of Support


The grant program, as part of the ROSES 2024 initiative from NASA, aims to support both basic and applied research in the field of physical oceanography. The focus is on fostering scientific discoveries related to Earth's oceans—covering both coastal and open ocean processes. Proposals are evaluated based on their potential to advance NASA's goals of expanding our understanding and knowledge of oceanic phenomena. Key dates include an optional Notice of Intent due by April 26, 2024, and proposal submissions due by May 29, 2024. Interested applicants should refer to the specific program element instructions available on NASA's ROSES webpage for further details.


Organization's Location
non irure
Program Location
up to 1.5M


Visit Apply for more information.