NY Technical Assistance Grants (TAGs)

From New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) aims to promote the conservation, improvement, and protection of New York's natural resources and environment; manage Forest Preserve lands in the Adirondack and Catskill Parks, State Forests, Wildlife Management Areas, and Fish Hatchery facilities; and support the health and safety of New York's residents and its natural environment.

Type of Support


The DEC's Technical Assistance Grants (TAGs) program is designed to empower not-for-profit community groups by providing them with financial support to hire independent technical advisors. These advisors assist in understanding the specifics of pollution and contamination issues at State Superfund and Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP) sites that significantly threaten public health or the environment. The goal is to help these communities comprehend the contamination's nature and scope at eligible sites and to participate in developing and evaluating cleanup strategies effectively.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Non-responsible-party community groups
Not-for-profit corporations with 501(c)(3) status
  • Group members' health, economic well-being, or enjoyment of the environment may be affected by contamination at the eligible site
  • Membership represents the interests of the community affected by the eligible site
  • Sites eligible: Class 2 sites on the New York State Registry of Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites; Sites under the State's Brownfield Cleanup Program determined by DEC as a significant threat
  • Activities funded: Independent technical assistance for interpreting contamination information; Hiring health and safety experts; Training and education of community members for remedy selection process participation
  • Applicant match not required


A municipality
A responsible party
A community group that receives services and/or financial assistance from a responsible party or represents a responsible party
A community group that is sustained, controlled by, or affiliated with any person or company responsible for the contamination of the eligible site
A national or statewide group, including local chapters, unless such group can demonstrate that it meets the eligibility criteria under Eligibility
Sites eligible for TAGs under the federal Superfund Program (e.g., National Priorities List sites)
Sites that do not meet the site eligibility criteria listed under Eligibility.
up to 50k


Visit Apply for more information.

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