Arts Related Organization Grant

From The Shubert Foundation, Inc.

The Shubert Foundation is the nation’s largest funder dedicated to unrestricted funding of not-for-profit theatres and dance companies. The Shubert Foundation is especially interested in providing support to professional resident theatre and dance companies that develop and produce new American work.

Type of Support


Some organizations that help support the development of theatre are eligible for funding. Grants to these organizations are based principally on an assessment of their work, as demonstrated by past and current performance. Impact, administrative strength, and fiscal stability are factored into each evaluation. The program area of Arts Related Organizations is significantly smaller than those of Theatre and Dance and is necessarily limited.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is at least 150k
  • Organizations must have an annual budget of $150,000 or higher (not including in-kind support).
  • Organizations may not apply for multiple Shubert Foundation grants in one cycle.


Individuals or conduit organizations
Organizations seeking seed money or program/project support
Fiscally sponsored organizations
Multidisciplinary arts presenters, performing arts centers, symphonies, or opera companies outside of New York City
Capital campaigns, endowments, renovations
Radio, film, TV, or other media projects


You may submit applications every year.
Required Attachments
Form 990
Audited Financial Statement
Contact info
(212) 944-3777
Review Criteria

Grants are awarded based on the following criteria:

  • Impact of the organization and its programs
  • Administrative strength
  • Demonstrated commitment to underserved audiences and/or underrepresented voices
  • Fiscal responsibility
  • Ability to generate both earned and contributed income
  • Other significant contributions to the field

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