Teichert Foundation Grant

Teichert Foundation expresses the company’s commitment to build and preserve a healthy and prosperous region.

Type of Support


We make grants to organizations that create beauty, foster culture, nurture children, provide access to food and housing for those in need, preserve nature, increase awareness of our environment, build an educated citizenry and a well-prepared workforce, and strive to provide better health for all.

Teichert Foundation will consider grant requests in the following categories:

  • Civic improvement
  • Community and social services
  • Culture and the arts
  • Education and workforce development
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Rehabilitation and health service
  • Youth and elderly


Organization's Location
Program Location
CA (Alameda County, Alpine County, Amador County, Butte County, Calaveras County, Colusa County, Contra Costa County, El Dorado County, Fresno County, Los Angeles County, Madera County, Mariposa County, Merced County, Mono County, Monterey County, Nevada County, Placer County, Sacramento County, San Benito County, San Bernardino County, San Diego County, San Joaquin County, San Mateo County, Santa Clara County, Solano County, Stanislaus County, Sutter County, Tuolumne County, Tulare County, Washoe County, Yolo County, Yuba County)
Organization Type
Government and public agencies

Grant requests for specific purposes are usually preferable to those for normal operating expenses.


Private foundations
Religious organizations for explicit religious activities, as distinguished from social or educational activities
Political organizations or political campaigns
Fraternal organizations, societies, or orders
Courtesy advertising or tickets for benefits
Telephone solicitations
National fundraising efforts
3k – 7.5k


You may receive awards every year.
Contact info
Allegra Pickett
(916) 484-3255
Review Criteria

While deciding how much to grant to whom, the Foundation will give careful consideration to:

  • The number of people that will benefit from the project
  • The number of local volunteers supporting the organization and the project
  • The commitment and composition of the organization’s Board of Directors or Board of Trustees
  • The extent to which the applicant complements the services of other community organizations
  • The organization’s fiscal responsibility and management qualifications
  • The ability of the organization to provide ongoing funding after the term of the grant
  • The extent to which the program addresses underlying causes, rather than just symptoms of specific problems; and
  • How well the organization plans to monitor and evaluate the results of the project

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