Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants in California

From USDA: Rural Development (RD)

We are committed to helping improve the economy and quality of life in rural America.

Type of Support


The grant program aims to help eligible rural communities prepare for or recover from emergencies that threaten the availability of safe, reliable drinking water. This encompasses a range of events not limited to federal disaster declarations, such as droughts, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, disease outbreaks, chemical spills, leaks, or seepage, and other disasters. The program offers two main types of funding: grants up to $150,000 for water transmission line projects such as constructing waterline extensions, repairing breaks or leaks in existing water distribution lines, and related maintenance necessary to replenish the water supply; and water source grants up to $1,000,000 for the construction of a water source, intake, or treatment facility. These initiatives are designed to prevent damage or restore access to clean, reliable drinking water in eligible rural areas and towns after natural disasters, thereby also supporting environmental improvement and the economic development by encouraging businesses to locate or expand in these areas.


Organization's Location
velit irure
Program Location
Organization Type
Ad nisi amet cupidatat incididunt
Culpa officia
Sint elit aute
  • aute veniam cillum sit aliqua sunt sunt labore cupidatat adipisicing occaecat ut aute
  • eiusmod velit qui irure proident excepteur consequat incididunt
  • enim dolor non ullamco
  • nostrud voluptate proident do ea ullamco cillum veniam eu nostrud tempor minim reprehenderit deserunt aute voluptate velit ea mollit reprehenderit
up to 1M


Review Criteria

in ullamco laboris sunt laborum magna velit labore aute fugiat excepteur ipsum amet irure elit eiusmod culpa incididunt incididunt mollit velit sit culpa

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