Hannon Foundation Grant

The William H. Hannon Foundation aims to improve the welfare and education of students across all levels, primarily in the greater Los Angeles area. It seeks to advance healthcare and human services for those unable to afford quality care and supports the disadvantaged, aged, sick, and homeless. Additionally, it promotes the values of Mr. Hannon's faith through backing the works of the Roman Catholic Church.

Type of Support


The Hannon Foundation funds non-profit organizations that align with the goals outlined in its mission statement, focusing on enhancing education, healthcare, human services, and support for the underprivileged. Priority is given to large grants for institutions and organizations significant in Mr. Hannon's life, ensuring his mission and legacy are reflected in their grantmaking activities.


Organization's Location
labore mollit
Program Location
voluptate quis veniam aliqua
Organization Type
Incididunt dolore qui esse proident officia
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Commodo culpa
Eu dolore tempor mollit
Quis exercitation sit
Consectetur laboris ea esse nostrud amet occaecat
Reprehenderit aliquip sint dolore
not specified


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