The Wildlife Conservation Board protects, restores and enhances California’s spectacular natural resources for wildlife and for the public’s use and enjoyment in partnership with conservation groups, government agencies and the people of California.
The Ecosystem Restoration and Agricultural Lands (ERAL) program aims to collaborate with the agricultural community to identify and implement projects that ensure long-term habitat benefits for wildlife. These projects, which are to be consistent with landowner objectives including economic sustainability, should also have the potential for replication across the state. The ERAL Program focuses on privately owned, agricultural lands where agriculture is a major activity and there is a willing landowner. Projects must offer on-site habitat benefits to wildlife, be durable with a long-term management plan, and ensure habitat features remain on the landscape for a time period beneficial to wildlife populations, with a standard agreement of at least 25 years. Eligible activities include habitat restoration and enhancement, the development of wildlife buffers and wetland areas, riparian and floodplain restoration, fencing to protect habitats, enhancement of native grasslands, and management activities that offer significant environmental co-benefits such as water quality improvements and carbon sequestration.
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