William Randolph Hearst Foundation

    New York, NY

    Information sourced from the Foundation's 990PF or by TheShareWay.

    What They Fund
    The mission of the Hearst Foundations is to identify and fund outstanding nonprofits to ensure that people of all backgrounds in the United States can build healthy, productive, and satisfying lives. The Foundations support well-established nonprofit organizations that address significant issues within culture, education, health, and social service, primarily serving large demographic and/or geographic constituencies. They prioritize organizations achieving truly differentiated results, with an emphasis on sustainability beyond their support.
    Number of grants
    Median grant size
    Total giving
    Average grant size
    United States map
    $6billion in active funding & 135k funder profiles from across the country
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    (555) 555-5555
    mollit dolore aliquip in voluptate enim voluptate, New York, NY 00000
    Past Grantees
    Key People
    William R Hearst Iii
    President Director
    Virginia H Randt
    Vice President Director
    Frank Bennack Jr
    Vice President Director
    Eiusmod Ad Laboris
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    Nostrud Excepteur Ut
    Anim Elit Aute
    Mollit Est Consectetur
    Voluptate Occaecat Ex
    Amet Proident Deserunt
    Magna Magna Id
    Enim Incididunt Fugiat
    Est Magna
    Adipisicing Sit Ipsum
    Fugiat Irure
    Laboris Anim Ullamco
    Eu Do
    Ullamco Amet
    Sint Ullamco Excepteur
    Adipisicing Ullamco Deserunt Exercitation
    Dolore Laboris In
    Culpa Aliquip Laborum
    Reprehenderit Elit Aliqua
    Anim Sint
    Deserunt Enim Fugiat Est
    Adipisicing Commodo
    Eu Esse Cupidatat
    Minim Anim
    Do In Occaecat
    Eu Quis
    Reprehenderit Dolore Veniam
    Excepteur Nostrud
    Incididunt Pariatur
    Enim Sit Id
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